SEO 的文章,值得学习

A lot of SEO tools & internet marketing software can be quite expensive if you’re just starting out.

But if you’re ultra-resourceful then you can take advantage of the best free SEO tools and trials that are available.

You can get everything from free email marketing services all the way through to free SEO software.

So I’ve decided to compile a list of all of the best free SEO tools and software in one place for your convenience!

Getting The Most Out Of Free SEO Tools & Software

If you are considering taking out any of the free SEO software below then you’ll want to make sure you squeeze the most out of the trial as possible.

So before you start any trial, take time to familiarise yourself with the service/software via tutorials on YouTube or from forum discussions etc.

If it is a link building software trial for example you should watch tutorials so you know how to use it before you start the trial.

You should also plan out your campaign and prepare all of the content you will need so you can make sure 100% of the trial period is spent building links and not figuring things out.

The Best Free SEO Tools & Software

I have highlighted all of the best SEO tools and trials at the top of this list.

I have also split them all into different categories to help you find what you need quickly.

My Personal Favourites

Using the free SEO tools & software below you can setup, track and monitor a tiered link building campaign.

SEOMoz (Full 30 Day Trial) – SEOMoz is one of the best SEO tools to monitor your site and link building campaigns. It does it all from rank tracking to on page recommendations and you can even use it to download all of your competitors backlinks!

SENuke XCR (Full 14 Day Trial) – SENuke XCR is a very diverse link building tool and is great for creating tier 1 links. It is quite expensive on a monthly basis though but the full 14 day free trial is great.

GSA Search Engine Ranker (Full 5 Day Trial) – This has quickly become the swiss army knife of link building targeting over 120 platforms at the time of writing. Perfect for automating your tier 2 and 3 links! See it in action here.

Kontent Machine (Full 7 Day Trial) – The best content generator I have ever used. Generate and export content for your tier 2 and 3 campaigns in just a couple of clicks. Read my full review here.

SEO Powersuite (Free Version) – Get free versions of RankTracker, Website Auditor, SEO Spyglass and Link Assistant. Each tool is an industry leader in its own right and I have relied on this suite of tools for years. Check out my full review.

Content Creation

TheBestSpinner (Full 7 Day Trial / $7) – It really is the best spinner and I have used it personally for the past few years on a nearly daily basis. The API is used in a lot of other link building tools. Check out my advanced spinning tutorial to see it in action.

Spinner Chief (Free Version) – A close rival to TheBestSpinner but it feels clunky in comparison. Either way they have a completely free version of the software for you to enjoy!

WordAI (3 Day Trial) – These guys are the new kids on the block but claim to be able to automatically spin content without making it sound like garbage. Big claims but the trial is worth it!

Kontent Machine (Full 7 Day Trial) – The best content generator I have ever used. Generate and export content for your tier 2 and 3 campaigns in just a couple of clicks. Read my full review here.

Email Marketing

Aweber (Full 30 Day Trial / $1) – I use Aweber right here on this blog and have done so for the past few years across all of my sites. It takes the pain out of email marketing and makes staying in touch with you guys easy!

GetResponse (Full 30 Day Trial) – The rival of Aweber, GetResponse offers a similar feature set. It really is just a matter of personal preference between the two of them!


Dreamhost (Full 14 Day Trial) – If you need hosting quickly then you can take out the 14 day trial at Dreamhost. They offer unlimited plans from $8.95 a month if you stick with them and they were my first webhost when I became a full time internet marketer.

Keyword Research

Market Samurai (Full 14 Day Trial) – The keyword research and SEO competition modules of Market Samurai are some of the best in the business and this is solely what I use the software for.

Keyword Researcher (Free Trial) – This is great for generating keyword ideas and is fantastic for coming up with Google Alerts to monitor. It doesn’t pull in any search volume numbers though.

Link Building

Article Kevo (Full 7 Day Trial) – A relatively new kid on the block Article Kevo can now submit to a wide range of platforms including article directories, web 2.0 platforms, social bookmarks, wikis, social networks and forums!

GSA Search Engine Ranker (Full 5 Day Trial) – This has quickly become the Swiss army knife of link building targeting over 120 platforms at the time of writing. Perfect for automating your tier 2 and 3 links! See it in action here.

Inspyder Backlink Monitor (Free Version) – The ultimate tool for monitoring your backlinks. Very easy to use and will automatically sort out all of your tiers for you. Check out my full review.

Link Wheel Bandit (Full 7 Day Trial) – Great tool for powering up your tier 2 links even further. Not sure why it’s called Link Wheel Bandit though as it doesn’t actually build Link Wheels, it builds Link Pyramids/Tiers. This is covered in this tutorial.

Link Assistant (Free Version) – This is part of the SEO Powersuite set of tools and is great for prospecting link partners. However I have hacked it a bit and use it to manage and automate guest posting.

Magic Submitter (Full 30 Day Trial / $4.95) – This is really the main rival to SENuke XCR and offers very similar features. It can post everything from videos to press releases and is very diverse. However the user interface is a bit tricky to get to grips with at first.

NoHandsSEO (Full 7 Day Trial) – This provides a completely automated and hands off solution to build an endless supply of links. Very easy to use and setup and supports a few different platforms.

SENuke XCR (Full 14 Day Trial) – SENuke XCR is a very diverse link building tool and is great for creating tier 1 links. It is quite expensive on a monthly basis though but the full 14 day free trial is great.

SEO SpyGlass (Free Version) – Use this to discover your competitors backlinks and breakdown key metrics such as anchor text usage. You can also use it to monitor your own sites backlink profile.

Sick Submitter (Full 3 Day Trial) – Like SENuke XCR & Magic Submitter this is a really diverse tool that can post to a huge range of platforms which is backed up by the user forums offering scripts to post to even more sites and platforms!

SliQ Submitter (100 Submission Limit) – One of my favourite directory submitters before I replaced it with Ultimate Demon. Really easy to use and can grab you some links from high quality directories.

On Site SEO

SEOMoz (Full 30 Day Trial) – With weekly scans of your site the SEOMoz dashboard quickly identifies any on site SEO issues and advises you on how to correct them.

Website Auditor (Free Version) – Part of SEO Powersuite, you can use Website Auditor to spider your site and report any issues it finds.

Microsoft SEO Toolkit (Free) – Finally Microsoft have made a useful product! The SEO Toolkit will spider your site and report back on any issues.

Rank Tracking

Rank Tracker (Free Version) – Part of SEO Powersuite this is the best rank tracking solution period. Unlike web based services this desktop application means you own the data and you can track an unlimited amount of keywords as well as your competitors.

SEOMoz (Full 30 Day Trial) – The SEOMoz service provides weekly ranking updates and tracks your progress over time. You can also use it to monitor your competitors and benchmark your site against them.

SEO Multi Tools

These tools have a wide range of functions and don’t really fit in one category.

Market Samurai (Full 14 Day Trial) – My tool of choice for keyword and competition research but it also includes a rank tracker, domain finder, content finder, content publishing and link finder.

SEO Powersuite (Free Version) – Get free versions of RankTracker, Website Auditor, SEO Spyglass and Link Assistant. Each tool is an industry leader in its own right and I have relied on this suite of tools for years. Check out my full review.

SEOMoz (Full 30 Day Trial) – The SEOMoz team provide a range of fantastic tools to monitor your site and link building campaigns. It does it all from rank tracking to on page recommendations and you can even use it to download all of your competitors backlinks!

Internet Business Promoter (Free Version) – A fantastic piece of software that offers a range of functions such as keyword suggestions, link building and rank tracking. The best feature though is the top 10 optimiser that will look at the on page of the current top 10 results and tell you what you need to change on your site to reflect that.

Social Media

BuzzBundle (Free Version) – Made by the same team behind SEO Powersuite, BuzzBundle makes it easier to identify & engage with your target audience online. I have grown traffic to this blog by manually doing a lot of what BuzzBundle can help to automate – read my full review here.

HootSuite (Free Version) – This is my preferred tool for managing Twitter, Facebook and Google+. You can monitor a number of search terms as well as schedule updates to go out.

SynnD (Free Version) – If you need a steady drip feed of tweets, likes, +1, social bookmarks and up votes on sites like Reddit then SynnD is for you!

TweetDeck (Free Version) – Now owned by Twitter this is a great desktop client to manage your Twitter account.


WPRobot (Free Version) – This is widely regarded as the best auto blogging solution for WordPress. It can pull content from a ridiculous number of sources and when setup correctly can produce some high quality auto blogs. Perfect for tier 1 links ;)

Did I Miss Any?

If there are any free SEO tools or trials that I’ve missed then please let me know in the comments and I’ll add them to the post!

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